Wheel of the Year Lore and Legends
The Wheel of the Year is a way many pagan paths refer to the ever changing cycle of natural renewal as reflected in the seasonal changes of nature moving from Spring to Summer to Autumn to Winter and back to Spring. This cycle of renewal is reflected in the legends of the Wheel of the Year which tell a simple story of birth, growth, decline, death, and ultimate re-birth.
If you would like to go directly to a more detailed description of the quarter and cross quarter celebrations of the Wheel of the Year, please select the links to the left of each of the brief description.
There is a simple story that humans have been telling one another since before time. This story is about the cycle of birth, growth, death, and renewal. This story is reflected in the changing of the seasons and the rolling of the days from one dawn until the next. This story knows no social or cultural boundaries and it crosses religious and political lines without exception.
The Wheel of the Year celebrates the duality at the heart of many pagan beliefs. Life and death. Growth and decline. Light and darkness. The ever changing cycle of natural renewal as reflected in the seasonal changes of nature moving from Spring to Summer to Autumn to Winter and back to Spring are reflected and celebrated in relation to solar and agricultural events.
This cycle of renewal is reflected in the legends of the Wheel of the Year which is first divided into four segments defined by the midpoints of each of the four seasons, known as the Winter Solstice, the Vernal Equinox, the Summer Solstice, and the Autumnal Equinox. These seasonal midpoints would be the solar events observed in the Wheel of the year and can be pretty much celebrated anywhere as they relate to the position of the Sun relative to the Earth.
These seasonal or solar midpoints are further divided by four agricultural celebrations which may vary according to where you are on the earth. That is to say, Australian harvest days may be exactly opposite Western European harvest days and so the agricultural celebrations may have different names or meanings depending upon the natural season relative to different climates. This particular Wheel of the Year is based upon North American climatological influences and assigns the agricultural celebrations to dates occuring around February 2nd (Imbolc), May 1st (Beltane), August 2nd (Lammas), and October 31st (Samhain), combined, these eight divisions, or spokes of the wheel of the year, are known as the Quarters and Cross Quarters of the year.
Please remember, this Wheel of the Year and the mythological symbolism associated with it is only ONE of MANY. It is not the ONLY one, and it does not purport to be the RIGHT one. It may certainly not be the one for you. Even so, it may be a helpful guide in finding the right associations for the Wheel of the Year as it turns where you are. It is also good to remember that every Pagan Tradition and many solitary pagans have their own particular celebrations, rituals, and traditions associated with the quarters and cross-quarters as they observe them. With that in mind, we have presented what should only be taken as a general overview of the Wheel of the Year that we observe here in the Garden of the Midnight Moonchild.
This should give you some small hint of how the whole Wheel of the Year fits together and is somewhat absorbed into every ritual and celebration regardless of one's path. From the birth of the light into the world at Yule to the ultimate passage through the veil of mystery at Samhain there will be certain similarities shared by every path of belief.
There will also be differences between paths and beliefs. These are sometimes very small. These do not change the story told by humans from different beliefs. These differences merely provide different flavors. The spice of life, as it were. We expect that it is not really necessary to point out that while there are differences among many paths there are many more similarities and it is the commonalities that are more important than the differences.
To learn more about the mythology, legends, and lore associated with the Wheel of the Year please select the image icon to your left. If you would like to go directly to information about the quarters and cross quarter celebrations of the year,
Winter Solstice
Generally, the Wheel legend begins with the son (sun) of the goddess born into the world on the Winter Solstice or Yule. This is the longest night of the year and from this night on, light returns to the earth with the lengthening of the daylight hours after the long dark of winter. So too, does the goddess in her aspect of the Enchantress of the Mystery return the Sun Child to be born to the world after her long sojourn in the underworld where she went seeking to bring life from death, light from darkness. The world celebrates this return as a promise of the light of life and growth to come.
Whatever your tradition, the Yule sabbat is the perfect time to encourage the re-birth of those aspects in your life that you value the most. Just as the return of the sun heralds the lengthening of daylight and season of growth, so does this time in the wheel of the year signify an opportunity for self-growth, abundance, fertility, and above all, hope for the future. Indeed, many Yule Night celebrations last until dawn, when the first rays of the sun reveal a new day filled with fresh opportunities.
As it is our goal to provide you with a working resource, you will find a link to a sample ritual for Yule on the left. We also believe that the only "right way" is the way that works best for you. This sample happens to be for a "solitary" ritual, and can and should be modified in any way that works for you. Take what you like, leave the rest.
Generally, the Wheel legend begins with the son (sun) of the goddess born into the world on the Winter Solstice or Yule. This is the longest night of the year and from this night on, light returns to the earth with the lengthening of the daylight hours after the long dark of winter. So too, does the goddess in her aspect of the Enchantress of the Mystery return the Sun Child to be born to the world after her long sojourn in the underworld where she went seeking to bring life from death, light from darkness. The world celebrates this return as a promise of the light of life and growth to come.
(Winter Solstice)
A sabbat of celebration upon the return of the light to the world. The days lengthen with the promise that life and growth will again return to the land. A traditional time for renewing hopes, dreams, and aspirations which may have been ignored or forgotten.
Wheel Legend: The light of the world is reborn with the return of the Sun Child and the cycle of life begins anew.
Purpose: To celebrate the return of the sun, and call forth in yourself, those qualities you want to renew.
Needful Things: a "Yule Log" set with candles inscribed with the qualities you wish to see renewed in your life and sweet warm things like hot chocolate or spiced cider for the simple feast.
Decorations: With Holly, Evergreen and Mistletoe, Reds, Greens, Silver, and Gold
Cleanse: With warm "sunny" scents like cinnamon, bayberry, or orange etc...
Quarters and Aspects: Call wintry aspects, like the snow queen, frosty crystalline forms, etc...
Hearthkeeping matters: You will leave the Yule Log to burn out the whole night. At dawn rise to greet the sun and release the candle stubs to the elements.
Shield Envision a spiral of crystalline snowflakes circling to protect you.
Center Take extra care to be fully in this moment and aware of yourself and your purpose. When ready,
step into your ritual space.
Cast Circle Envision a stream of "Sparkle Snow" from the tip of your hand, wand, or athame as you cast from your projective hand beginning at the northern quarter and moving deosil.
"And though the world is wrapped in sleep
and bitter wind and icy blast
the snow may fall both hard and deep
I sorrow not this too shall pass."
Call Quarters facing north
"Earth beneath a blanket white
mountain peaks in frozen night
Bring Stability be now with me
all through this night renew the light
Spirit of the Earth, Welcome."
light the green candle
Call Quarters Facing east
"Winter gales of blizzard chill
silent, frozen, dark, and still
Bring Clarity be now with me
all through this night renew the light
Spirit of the Air, Welcome."
light the yellow candle.
Call Quarters Facing south
"Flame and heat defy the cold
hearthfire burning warm and bold
Bring Purity be now with me
all through this night renew the light
Spirit of the Fire, Welcome."
light the red candle.
Call Quarters Facing west
"Frost and ice and fallen snow
crystal waters frozen flow
Bring Empathy be now with me
all through this night renew the light
Spirit of the Water, Welcome."
light the blue candle.
Invoke the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Winter King reborn this night
a sun child to return the light
Be with me now until the dawn
renew the light Welcome the Sun."
light the gold candle
Invoke the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Enchantress in the frozen dark
give birth to life, return the spark
be with me now until the dawn
light from the womb Welcome the Moon."
light the silver candle
Invoke your Guardian tracing a pentagram in the air before you with your hand, wand, or athame
"Spirit that is within, be with me now as the sun returns to the world with the passage of this the longest night. This turn of the wheel brings the renewal of light and life without, so be it within."
light the incense
Complete the circle with your purpose sit or stand as you please
"The circle is cast and we stand between the worlds
beyond the bounds of time where
dark and light, joy and sorrow,
day and night, the past and tomorrow
meet here as one. Blessed be.
I come now between the worlds, midwife to the rebirth of light. As the sun child is reborn I too renew my spirit with this turn of the wheel."
light the cauldron candle
"Light from dark
warmth from cold
life from death
new from old"
take the candle with the renewal inscription on it and light it from the cauldron candle
"I light this candle that a light may be reborn in me to warm and illuminate the world.
Harming none, this be done.
repeat for each renewal candle you have inscribed and place each renewal candle on the yule log to burn the night through.
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
Simple feast Sweet things and Hot Chocolate or Mulled Cider
Thank the Guardian Make the sign of the pentagram with smoke from the incense stick (if it is still burning) or trace it in the air before you with your wand, or hand
"Spirit within, my thanks for your charge and the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell"
Thank the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Enchantress, mother to the light, my thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell"
quench the silver candle
Thank the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Shadow lord reborn Sun child, my thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell"
quench the gold candle
Thank the Quarters facing the appropriate directions as you thank and release them and quench their candles as you bid them farewell.
"Crystal waters frozen flow
Hearthfire burning warm and bright
Winter gale of blizzards blow
Earth of frozen mountain might
My thanks for guidance granted me
stay or go as you shall please
hail and farewell, and blessed be."
Release the Circle beginning at the northern quarter and moving widdershins draw the energy into your receptive hand, wand or athame. When you have finished re-calling the energy, compress it into a little ball in your receptive hand and absorb it into your body.
"The circle is open
yet still unbroken
merry met, and merry part,
and merry meet again."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
The Wheel now turns to Candlemas or Imbolc which is said to mean "quickening" or "ewe's milk". Perhaps you have noticed how the very first buds and plants of spring seem to be struggling to get out into the sunshine from deep within the womb of the earth. Certainly lambs (and other babes) begin kicking to get out of their mothers' wombs in the springtime, and in the legend of the Wheel of the Year, the goddess awakes, no longer the Crone of Wisdom who descended into the mysteries of the underworld, but refreshed and renewed in her most youthful aspect as the Child of Spring.
However you choose to acknowledge this turn of the wheel, you cannot help but feel the ancient impulse to prepare in readiness for the activity and growth promised by the approach of Spring. This celebration is a perfect time for dedication or rededication to to your own unique path through life and the restoration of alignment with tis particular turn of the wheel. This is a time most suited to reassessment, redirection, rededication, and self-blessing.
As it is our goal to provide you with a working resource, you will find a link to a sample ritual for Imbolc on the left. We also believe that the only "right way" is the way that works best for you. This sample happens to be for a "solitary" ritual, and can and should be modified in any way that works for you. Take what you like, leave the rest.
The Wheel now turns to Candlemas or Imbolc which is said to mean "quickening" or "ewe's milk". Perhaps you have noticed how the very first buds and plants of spring seem to be struggling to get out into the sunshine from deep within the womb of the earth. Certainly lambs (and other babes) begin kicking to get out of their mothers' wombs in the springtime, and in the legend of the Wheel of the Year, the goddess awakes, no longer the Crone of Wisdom who descended into the mysteries of the underworld, but refreshed and renewed ih her most youthful aspect as the Child of Spring.
(Imbolc, Feast of Torches, Festival of lights)
A sabbat of purification after the dark time of winter. A traditional time for self-dedication rituals
Wheel Legend: The mother awakens from her slumber after the labor of birth, as the young maiden.
Purpose: To welcome the maiden returned and re-dedicate your space, your tools, and your self to the path of the Craft.
Needful Things: 3 candles, all white or one each white, red, and dark, Anointing oil (Rose or Lavender), Offerings of Geranium, Rosemary, and Pine herb, White cheese and milk for the simple feast.
Decorations: White colors and Crystals (White flowers, pearls, crystal goblets or stones)
Cleanse: Very thorough and with light, fresh scents if any scent at all.
Quarters and Aspects: Call young, fresh, new, and gentle aspects and quarters.
Hearthkeeping matters: You will leave the three candles burning after you have released the circle to let them go out naturally. Later that evening, or the following day, you should bury them and the offerings, or release the candle stubs and the offerings to running water. Do not put away the tools or the alter until after the candles have gone out.
Shield Envision a spiral of protection drawn upward from the earth beginning with deepest violets and proceeding until it arcs over your head, to lighter and more iridescent colors.
"Protect this child and guard her aim
from any evil, harm, or bane"
Center Take extra care to be fully in this moment and aware of yourself and your purpose. When ready, step into your ritual space.
Cast Circle Envision a stream of "Sparkle Snow" from the tip of your hand, wand, or athame as you cast from your projective hand beginning at the northern quarter and moving deosil (clockwise).
"This is the time of light, awake, awake
Now leave the winter's night, awake, awake
All things reborn anew, awake, awake
In light, and love, and truth, awake, awake"
Call Quarters Facing north
"Spirit of the fertile earth,
dweller in the fields
verdant forest, mossy stone,
quiet strength revealed
come now, attend to me
and bless this rite with your stabilit
Spirit of the earth, Welcome."
light the green candle
Call Quarters Facing east
"Spirit of the dawning breeze,
dweller in the mist
tender as new lovers sigh
and gentle mothers kiss
come now, attend to me
and bless this rite with your clarity
Spirit of the air, Welcome."
light the yellow candle.
Call Quarters Facing south
"Spirit of the embers glow,
hearth and heart reclaim
warmth within the candlelight,
spark within the flame
come now, attend to me
and bless this rite with your purity
Spirit of the fire, Welcome."
light the red candle.
Call Quarters facing west
"Spirit of the mountain spring,
dweller in soft rain
mirrored lakes and morning dew,
changing yet unchanged
come now, attend to me
and bless this rite with your empathy
Spirit of the water, Welcome."
light the blue candle.
Invoke the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Child reborn to golden sun
youth of summers fertile fields
sage of stone, and blade, and bone
between the worlds come now to me."
light the gold candle
Invoke the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Maiden of the mystic moon
mother of all yet-to-be
crone of wisdoms timeless loom
between the worlds come now to me."
light the silver candle
Invoke your Guardian tracing a pentagram in the air before you with your hand, wand, or athame
"Spirit of that which is within, awaken me to the mysteries of this path. Guide me gently so that I will harm not myself or others. Fill me with your blessings and charge. Protect me as I make my way."
light the incense
Complete the circle with your purpose sit or stand as you please
"The circle is cast and we stand between the worlds
beyond the bounds of time
birth and death, dark and light
joy and sorrow, day and night
meet here as one. Blessed be.
I come now between the worlds to renew my spirit to purify my heart, to dedicate my will, and to choose again the path of the Craft which stretches before me through time beyond, and, spirals after me to before time was."
place the first of your candles in it's space, light it and place the offering of geranium herb to the maiden before the burning candle.
"I dedicate myself, spirit, heart, and will to wisdom's craft and set my whole self upon this path.
I shall now and forever, seek the love and guidance of those who guard this way.
I share this path with the Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.
I share this path with the Sun. Child, Youth, and Sage.
I share this path with the Moon. Maiden, Mother and Crone.
I follow this path toward that-which-is knowing that I alone bear the responsibility of this choosing.
harming none, this be done."
anoint forehead, heart, and belly with oil of rose or lavender.
Place the second candle in it's space, light it and place the offering of rosemary herb to the mother before the burning candle. Pass each tool through the incense smoke to cleanse it.
"I banish all evil from this simple tool, my (wand, athame broom, etc...) and so doing, purify it to my singular use dedicating it now and forever.
Harming none, this be done."
Place each dedicated tool on or near the alter and set the final candle in it's space, light it and place the offering of pine herb to the crone before the burning candle. Sketch a pentagram in the air above your ritual space with your projective hand and raise energy enough to expand this sketch to encircle your hearth, home, and land. Hold this energy in your projective hand.
"I dedicate this, my hearth and home now and forever.
Harming none, this be done."
Still holding the energy, meditate briefly upon what course you wish this path to lead you. Now is the time to reveal your craft-name, or ask that it be revealed to you. Envision your dedications, like snowflakes dancing deosil around your circle, ever higher, over your head, and finally...send them off with your projective hand releasing the energy.
"In no way shall this rite reverse
or bring upon me any curse."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
Simple Feast White cheese, or bread, or crackers and milk
Thank the Guardian. Make the sign of the pentagram with smoke from the incense stick (if it is still burning) or trace it in the air before you with your hand, wand, or athame.
"Spirit within, hear my thanks for your charge and the blessing of your attendance at my simple and solitary rite. Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell"
Thank the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Maiden, Mother and Wisewoman.
My thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the silver candle
Thank the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Child, Youth and Ancient One.
My thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the gold candle
Thank the Quarters facing the appropriate directions as you thank and release them and quench their candles as you bid them farewell.
"Water Spirit, mist of empathy.
Fire Spirit, spark of purity.
Air Spirit, breeze of clarity.
Earth Spirit, stone's stability.
My thanks for guidance granted me.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell, and blessed be."
Release the Circle beginning at the northern quarter and moving widdershins (counterclockwise) draw the energy into your receptive hand, wand or athame. When you have finished re-calling the energy, compress it into a little ball in your receptive hand and absorb it into your body.
"The circle is open
yet still unbroken
merry met, and merry part, and merry meet again."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
The Wheel turns again and with this turn comes the Vernal Equinox or Eostara. At this time the hours of daylight and night are balanced against each other. After this time, and until the Autumnal Equinox, daylight will have the ascendent influence. The goddess awakened from her deep winter slumbers and returned from the underworld, now wears the aspect of the Maiden of Spring and meets the young god, now the Youth of Spring, who was born into the world at Yule. Together, the coupling of masculine and feminine energies will plant the seeds of life and growth upon which all the continued survival of the world depends.
Whatever your path, you will welcome the balance of the light against the dark as an indication that longer days, required for greater growth and productivity are soon on the way. The theme of renewal has not been lost throughout all the changes this world has seen and this is a traditional time for people, pagan and non-pagan alike, to look toward those things they would like to renew in their own lives and to nurture the things they would like to see grow stronger.
As it is our goal to provide you with a working resource, you will find a link to a sample ritual for Eostara on the left. We also believe that the only "right way" is the way that works best for you. This sample happens to be for a "solitary" ritual, and can and should be modified in any way that works for you. Take what you like, leave the rest.
The Wheel turns again and with this turn comes the Vernal Equinox or Eostara. At this time the hours of daylight and night are balanced against each other. After this time, and until the Autumnal Equinox, daylight will have the ascendent influence. The goddess now wears the aspect of the Maiden of Spring and meets the young god, now the Youth of Spring, who was born into the world at Yule. Together, the coupling of masculine and feminine energies will plant the seeds of life and growth upon which all the continued survival of the world depends.
(Ostara, Spring Equinox,)
A sabbat of balance and beginnings. A traditional time to prepare for future planting and bless the seeds of physical, spiritual, and ritual gardens.
Wheel Legend: The Sun Prince meets the Young Maiden.
Purpose: To celebrate the meeting of the Sun Prince and the Young Maid through celebrations of all that is youthful, innocent and new. To bless the seeds of future new beginnings.
Needful Things: A painted eggshell. Garden seeds and written "seeds" of hope for the future. (penned in spring green ink on light yellow paper, or choose colors that rule the type of magic charged in each "seed" [Yellow=education, green=money etc...]). Fruit Juice or Herbal Tea and muffins for the simple feast. Spring flowers for decorating.
Decorations: Spring blooms in fresh, new, pastel colors.
Cleanse: With fresh herbal or light floral scents.
Quarters and Aspects: Call Spring Breezes, The Warming Sun, Morning Dew and Fresh Green Earth.
Hearthkeeping matters: Keep the painted eggshell no more than one month, then bury it. If you have made offerings to the quarters, pour them out onto bare earth. Keep the ritual "seeds" with the garden seeds and bury them also in the garden when you plant.
Shield Envision a protective "egg" around you in spring colors of green, pink, blue, and yellow. Use your projective hand.
"Protect this child and guard her aim
from any evil, harm, or bane."
Center When ready, step into your ritual space.
Cast Circle Envision a circle of new budding flowers and fresh spring grass following the tip of your hand, wand, or athame as you cast from your projective hand beginning at the eastern quarter and moving deosil (clockwise).
"In balance now the day and night
are matched in darkness and in light
we bless the seeds of future plans
greet spring again in heart and hands"
Call Quarters Facing east
"Spirit of the spring breeze
stirring new growth
bring now your clarity,
fragrance and hope
Spirit of the air, Welcome."
light the yellow candle.
Call Quarters Facing south
'Spirit of the warm sun
encouraging seedlings
bring now your purity
softly revealing
Spirit of the fire, Welcome."
light the red candle.
Call Quarters facing west
"Spirit of the soft rain,
gentle and new
bring now your empathy
fresh morning dew
Spirit of the water, Welcome."
light the blue candle.
Call Quarters Facing north
"Spirit of the greening land,
fresh new earth
bring now stability,
richness, and worth.
Spirit of the earth, Welcome."
light the green candle.
Invoke the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Child grown to Sun Prince
the wonderment of youth
between the worlds come now to me
and lend my rite your truth."
light the gold candle
Invoke the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Maiden of the springtime
innocent delight
between the worlds come now to me
bring wisdom and bring light."
light the silver candle
Invoke your Guardian tracing a pentagram in the center of the sand censor or in the air before you with the incense stick
"Eternal spirit within me,
bless this rite with truth and light
and fill me with your charge as I plant
the seeds of my future."
light the incense
Complete the circle with your purpose sit or stand as you please
"The circle is cast and we stand between the worlds
beyond the bounds of time.
Birth and death, dark and light
joy and sorrow, day and night
meet here as one.
Blessed be."
"I come now between the worlds to celebrate the fresh wonderment and innocence of youth and to bless the seeds of the future which begins anew with this turn of the wheel."
Lay the painted egg on the altar.
"This is a new beginning filled with the hopes and dreams and goodness and laughter of childhood."
Visualize a small creature, maybe a butterfly or a dragon, or Pegasus emerging from the egg spreading it's tiny wings to dry. Let it take it's first uncertain steps onto your cupped hands. Infuse it with all the love, laughter, hopes and dreams you had as a child. When ready blow this fledgling into first flight.
"Find a child like me. Bring her these hopes, dreams, love and laughter and make your home within her heart.
Harming none, this be done."
Lay your seeds for this years gardens on the altar.
"These are new beginnings filled with life, health, vigor, and abundance."
Visualize the garden as it grows, ripens, flourishes and reaches harvest.
"Bring to my gardens this life, health, vigor, and abundance that it may sustain my hearth and home.
Harming none, this be done."
Take the written "Seeds" for your spiritual garden and place them upon the altar.
"These are new beginnings filled with success and satisfaction and growth and knowledge."
Visualize achieving these goals. Do you have more tools? Are you able to wield with greater ease? Do you feel stronger connections? Picture yourself at the peak of your desired power.
"Bring my ritual garden this success, satisfaction, growth and knowledge that it may sustain my spirit.
Harming none this be done."
Meditate on the new beginnings that have come to successful fruition in the past. Thank the elemental powers for these past successes. Visualize a growing spring herb like willowbay or dandelion unfurling from the earth, blooming, blossoming, and seeding in a sudden gust of astral wind. Blow or fan these seeds onward yourself and release energy!
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
Simple Feast Herbal tea or Fruity Juice and cookies or crackers. Make liquid offerings to the elements.
Thank the Guardian Make the sign of the pentagram with smoke from the incense stick (if it is still burning) or trace it in the air before you with your hand, wand, or athame.
"Spirit within me, my thanks for the blessing of your attendance at my simple and solitary rite. Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
Thank the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Gentle Maiden, my thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the silver candle
Thank the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Young Sun Prince, My thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell"
quench the gold candle
Thank the Quarters facing the appropriate directions as you thank and release them and quench each candle as you bid them farewell.
"Earth Spirit of greening land,
Water Spirit of soft rain,
Fire Spirit of warming sun,
Air Spirit of gentle breeze.
My thanks for your attending me,
stay or go as you shall please,
hail and farewell, and blessed be."
Release the Circle beginning at the Eastern quarter and moving widdershins (counterclockwise) draw the energy into your receptive hand, wand, or athame. When you have finished re-calling the energy, compress it into a little ball in your receptive hand and absorb it into your body.
"The circle is open
yet still unbroken
merry met,
and merry part,
and merry meet again."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
(May Day)
Once more, the Wheel turns and now brings Beltane. This is one of the most important holiday observances in many pagan beliefs and may be seen as an unashamed celebration of the pleasures of life with a focus designed to highlight the physical joys of womanhood and manhood. The goddess and god, now the May Queen and her beloved Sun Prince (the sun child now grown to manhood) are wed. The seed of new life that they planted together at the Vernal Equinox is celebrated all through the night and the world revels in the joy of being alive.
(Mayday, Festival of Tana, Whitsun)
A sabbat of love, unity, and the creation of new life. The return of vitality, passion, and hope. The veil between this world and the fairy world is thin.
Wheel Legend: The Sun Prince and the Moon Maiden are wed.
Purpose: To celebrate the union of the Sun and Moon by celebrating the blessed unions in our lives.
Needful Things: Flower petals to cast the circle. Ribbons to weave around the maypole (Silver, Gold, Green, Blue, Yellow, and Red). Champaign or Wine and Cakes for the simple feast. Candles to make a bonfire in the cauldron (White, Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green). A crown of flowers for the May-Queen
Decorations: Early Summer blooms in rich scent and colors.
Cleanse: With the rich scent of summers full bloom.
Quarters and Aspects: Call Eastern Sprites, Southern Fairies, Western Nymphs, and Northern Brownies. Call the magical aspects of the Summer King and the Moon Mother.
Hearthkeeping matters: Keep the Maypole ribbons on the Broom until Mabon. If you have made offerings to the quarters, pour them out onto bare earth.
Shield Envision the same bubble that protects "Glenda the Good" witch in The Wizard of Oz. Allow it to encircle and protect you.
"Protect this child and guard her aim
from any evil, harm, or bane."
Center When ready, step into your ritual space.
Cast Circle Envision a circle of blooming flowers and fairy lights. Use flower petals, if you have them, to outline your circle. Use the tip of your hand, wand, or athame as you cast from your projective hand beginning at the eastern quarter and moving deosil (clockwise).
"Simple hands weave simple threads
and so make stronger twine.
Now celebrate this union
and the blessings of those joined"
Call Quarters Facing east
"Windborn sprites of mystic air
be with me now, be with me now.
And bring your clarity to bear
be with me now, be with me now
Spirit of the air, Welcome."
light the yellow candle.
Call Quarters Facing south
"Firelit fairies magic spark
be with me now, be with me now
your purity to me impart
be with me now, be with me now
Spirit of the fire, Welcome."
light the red candle.
Call Quarters facing west
"Water nymphs of fountains blessed
be with me now, be with me now
your empathy bring to my quest
be with me now, be with me now
Spirit of the water, Welcome."
light the blue candle.
Call Quarters Facing north
"Brownies, elves and earthly wards
be with me now, be with me now
stabilities enchanted guards
be with me now, be with me now
Spirit of the earth, Welcome."
light the green candle.
Invoke the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Sun Prince grown now to Sun King
fullness, warmth, and pleasure bring.
Attend my rite and leave your mark
upon my spirit and my heart.
Between the worlds I welcome you"
light the gold candle
Invoke the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Maiden, Mother, Shining Queen,
fertility and bounty bring.
Attend my rite and leave your mark
upon my spirit and my heart.
Between the worlds I welcome you"
light the silver candle
Invoke your Guardian tracing a pentagram in the center of the sand censor or in the air before you
"Spirit within me, Guide me as I celebrate this turn of the wheel and awaken me to the joys of this unity and its promise of fullness."
light the incense
Complete the circle with your purpose sit or stand as you please
"The circle is cast and we stand between the worlds
beyond the bounds of time where
life and death, future and past
laughter and tears, the first and the last
meet here as one. Blessed be.
I come now between the worlds to celebrate creation through unity and the return of vitality, passion, and hope with this turn of the wheel"
Take the silver and gold ribbons and weave them around your broom stick which will serve as your maypole.
"Silver and Gold
Moon and Sun
He and She
Combined as one."
Now weave Blue and Red around the broomstick/Maypole.
"Blue and Red. Water and Fire.
Strength and Courage and Will to survive
Peace and Patience, and Wisdom abide
combine to bring my hearts desire"
Now weave yellow and Green around the Broomstick/Maypole.
"Green and Yellow, Earth and Air.
Prosperity, Growth, Abundance to share
with Travel, and Movement, and Confidence there
unite and bring my hopes to bear"
Place all five candles in the cauldron and light them in the following order saying...
"Spark to ignite travel and movement"
"Spark to Ignite Strength and Courage."
"Spark to ignite Patience and Wisdom."
"Spark to ignite Growth and Prosperity."
"Spark to ignite that which is within."
Take your crown of flowers and place it in your hair, or on the altar.
"All that be,
unite in me."
While the cauldron burns, pass the "Maypole" over the cauldron to symbolize leaping the bonfire. Drum, sing, or dance to keep the energy raised until the cauldron begins to burn out and then release that energy with the last wisp of smoke from your bonfire.
"All that be
united in me
And no reverse
to bring a curse.
Harming none
this be done."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
Simple Feast sweet treats and champaign or dessert coffee. Make liquid offerings to the elements.
Thank the Guardian Make the sign of the pentagram with smoke from the incense stick (if it is still burning) or trace it in the air before you with your wand, hand, or athame.
"Spirit within my spirit I thank you for your help and guidance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
Thank the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Maiden, Mother, and Beltane Bride,
my thanks for your presence at my side>
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the silver candle
Thank the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Sun Prince, Husband, and Father to be,
my thanks for your presence here with me.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the gold candle
Thank the Quarters facing the appropriate directions as you thank and release them and quench each candle as you bid them farewell.
"Brownies of the earthen stone,
Nymphs of waterfalls and seas,
Fairies of the candleglow,
Sprites of air and summer breeze,
my thanks for your attending me.
stay or go as you shall please.
hail and farewell, and blessed be."
Release the Circle beginning at the Eastern quarter and moving widdershins (counterclockwise) draw the energy into your receptive hand, wand or athame. When you have finished re-calling the energy, compress it into a little ball in your receptive hand and absorb it into your body.
"The circle is open
yet still unbroken
merry met, and merry part, and merry meet again."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
The Wheel turns yet again to bring the Summer Solstice, or Litha. It is said that on this day, the longest day of the year, the veil between this world and the fairy world of magic is stretched thinnest and for this reason some believe that on midsummer night "all wishes are granted". On this day the god in his aspect as the Sun King is at his most powerful and at his side rules the goddess as the Summer Queen whose cauldron is filled with the bounty of the season of growth, ripe fruit and golden grain.
In keeping with this time, Litha is a wonderful opportunity for taking stock of ones' own life, bringing forward those desires that you'd like to see to fruition, and also banishing or getting rid of those aspects that hamper or deter you from your goals. However you choose to acknowledge this turn of the wheel, it's evident in virtually every tradition, both pagan and non-pagan alike, that this is a time to gather, sing, dance, feast, and revel in the magic of life itself.
As it is our goal to provide you with a working resource, you will find a link to a sample ritual for Litha on the left. We also believe that the only "right way" is the way that works best for you. This sample happens to be for a "solitary" ritual, and can and should be modified in any way that works for you. Take what you like, leave the rest.
(Midsummer, Summer Solstice)
The Wheel turns yet again to bring the Summer Solstice, or Litha. It is said that on this day, the longest day of the year, the veil between this world and the fairy world of magic is stretched thinnest and for this reason some believe that on midsummer night "all wishes are granted". On this day the god in his aspect as the Sun King is at his most powerful and at his side rules the goddess as the Summer Queen whose cauldron is filled with the bounty of the season of growth, ripe fruit and golden grain.
(Midsummer, Summer Solstice)
A sabbat of earthly success and passion fulfilled. A classic time for all magic.
Wheel Legend: The Sun King and the Mother are at the fullness of power and strength.
Purpose: To celebrate the Power of Love and the Magic of the Earth.
Needful Things: A candle to represent Yourself. A candle to represent your Trouble. A candle to represent your Desire. A tea candle for your cauldron. Summer fruit and Iced Tea or fruit juice for the simple feast. Summer flowers and fruit blossoms for decorating.
Decorations: Summer blooms in vivid and rich colors.
Cleanse: With rich floral scents.
Quarters and Aspects: Aspects of full glorious power and strength. The Midsummer King and Queen.
Hearthkeeping matters: Bury the Trouble candle stub off of your property and bury the Desire candle stub somewhere on your property where it will remain undisturbed. If you have made offerings to the quarters, pour them out onto bare earth or release them into running water.
Shield Envision a spiral blaze of sparks from a comet's tail.
"Protect this child and guard her aim
from any evil, harm, or bane."
Center When ready, step into your ritual space.
Cast Circle Envision the same comet tail that formed your shield at the tip of your hand, wand, or athame as you cast from your projective hand beginning at the southern quarter and moving deosil (clockwise).
"Now mystify midsummer magic
and satisfy midsummer charms.
Midsummer power charge my spirit
waxing as the summer warms."
Call Quarters Facing south
"Flames of the midsummer bonfire.
Heat of the midsummer sun.
Heart of the midsummer starlight.
Your purity holds me
guides and enfolds me.
Welcome Spirit of Fire to my rite."
light the red candle.
Call Quarters Facing west
"Cascading midsummer rivers.
Powerful midsummer tides.
Wellspring of midsummer delights.
Your empathy holds me
guides and enfolds me.
Welcome Spirit of Water to my rite."
light the blue candle.
Call Quarters Facing north
"Towering midsummer mountains.
Fertile the midsummer field.
Unyielding midsummer earth-might.
Stability holds me
guides and enfolds me.
Welcome Spirit of Earth to my rite."
light the green candle.
Call Quarters facing east
"Wind of midsummer sirocco.
Midsummer mantle of life.
Breath of the midsummer twilight.
Your clarity holds me
guides and enfolds me.
Welcome Spirit of Air to my rite."
light the yellow candle.
Invoke the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Midsummer Sun King
of wisdom and might.
The power of summer
and life at its height.
Your energy holds me
guides and enfolds me.
Welcome sun King to my rite."
light the gold candle
Invoke the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Midsummer Mother.
Queen of the night.
The power of magic
fulfilled in moonlight.
Your spirit holds me
guides and enfolds me.
Welcome Midsummer Queen to my rite."
light the silver candle
Invoke your Guardian Invoke your Guardian tracing a pentagram in the air before you with your hand, wand, or athame
"Spirit within me
empower me now with your charge.
Stir midsummer memories.
Rouse midsummer mysteries.
Awaken midsummer magic.
Guide me, hold me,
teach me, enfold me.
My hands in yours.
Your heart in mine.
Be with me now."
light the incense
Complete the circle with your purpose sit or stand as you please
"The circle is cast and we stand between the worlds
beyond the bounds of time.
Joy and sorrow, day and night,
The past and tomorrow, death and life
meet here as one.
Blessed be."
"I come now between the worlds to celebrate the power of love, the power of midsummer, and the power of magic with this turn of he wheel."
Light the Cauldron candle.
"No longer day shall turn.
No brighter candle burn.
No wish shall be denied
on this midsummer night."
Take the candle which represents your self and carve your name and any appropriate symbols upon it. Anoint it with your favorite scent, stub to wick, and light it from the cauldron candle
"I am (say your name).
The power of light is mine.
The power of midsummer is mine."
Set that candle in a holder and take the candle which represents your trouble and carve the name of your trouble and any appropriate symbols upon it. Anoint this candle with saltwater, wick to stub, and light it from the cauldron candle.
"You are my trouble.
You are (name your trouble).
I banish you and now...
you are gone."
When the trouble candle burns past your carvings blow it out as you say "you are gone" and wrap that candle stub (to be buried off your property) in a mixture of salt and sand.
Now take the candle which represents your desire and carve the name of your desire and any appropriate symbols upon it. Anoint it with your favorite scent, stub to wick, and light it from the cauldron candle.
"I am (say your name).
I come between the worlds with my desire.
My desire is (name your desire).
All powers that be, grant me this desire.
Harming none, this be done."
Watch this candle burn, holding your desire firmly in your mind, until this candle burns out of it's own accord.
"On Midsummer all desires are granted."
Wrap this candle stub, along with your "self" candle stub, in soil and sand and bury them somewhere on your property where they will remain undisturbed.
"Now it is done
with no reverse
to bring upon me
any curse."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
Simple Feast Herbal tea or Fruity Juice and fruits from whatever summer bounty is available and freshest. Make liquid offerings to the elements.
Thank the Guardian Make the sign of the pentagram with smoke from the incense stick (if it is still burning) or trace it in the air before you with your wand, or hand
"Spirit within my spirit,
my thanks for the blessing of your attendance at my simple and solitary rite.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
Thank the Moon raising your receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Queen of the midsummer night,
my thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the silver candle
Thank the Sun raising your projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Mighty midsummer King,
my thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the gold candle
Thank the Quarters taking the appropriate positions as you thank and release them and quench their candles as you bid them farewell.
"Midsummer winds of clarity, Spirit of Air.
Midsummer stones stability, Spirit of Earth.
Midsummer tides of empathy, Spirit of Water.
Midsummer flames of purity, Spirit of Fire.
My thanks for your attending me.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell, and blessed be."
Release the Circle beginning at the Southern quarter and moving widdershins (counterclockwise) draw the energy into your receptive hand, wand or athame. When you have finished re-calling the energy, compress it into a little version of the comet you started with in your receptive hand and absorb it into your body.
"The circle is open
yet still unbroken.
Merry met, and merry part, and merry meet again."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you.
(The Feast of Bread)
Once more the Wheel turns to bring Lammas, the first of three harvest holidays. Often known as the "Feast of Bread", this celebration brings the god in his aspect of the Harvest King along with the goddess, now full with child in her aspect of Mother (just as the fields and trees are full with ripening bounty) to the season of harvest. As the first blows are struck to bring in the harvest, so does the Harvest King begin to weaken, to wane, and eventually to sacrifice himself so that others will survive the dark infertile winter season. This is a sacrifice he makes willingly for the continued good of the land.
However you choose to mark your celebration at this turn of the wheel, you will know this to be a time to harvest the peak of the season's bounty and preserve it against the hardship of the dark winter months to come. Whatever your path may be, this is a time most suited to those things which will ensure the survival of your community through charitable contributions, and other efforts intended for the betterment of your self and your neighbors.
As it is our goal to provide you with a working resource, you will find a link to a sample ritual for Lammas on the left. We also believe that the only "right way" is the way that works best for you. This sample happens to be for a "solitary" ritual, and can and should be modified in any way that works for you. Take what you like, leave the rest.
(Lughnasadh, Feast of Bread)
Once more the Wheel turns to bring Lammas, the first of three harvest holidays. Often known as the "Feast of Bread", this celebration brings the god in his aspect of the Harvest King along with the goddess, now full with child in her aspect of Mother (just as the fields and trees are full with ripening bounty) to the season of harvest. As the first blows are struck to bring in the harvest, so does the Harvest King begin to weaken, to wane, and eventually to sacrifice himself for the continued good of the land.
(Lugnasadh, Feast of Bread, Harvest Home)
A sabbat of attunement with the elements which make the harvest and the continued survival of the community possible.
Wheel Legend: The Sun King sacrifices himself for the benefit of the community.
Purpose: To celebrate the sacrifice of King Harvest, lay fear to rest, and empower hope for the future.
Needful Things: A crumbly cracker to represent your fear. A piece of bread spread with honey to represent your hope. Earth and Salt to bury your fear. A tea candle for your cauldron. A food Shelf Coupon to seal your own sacrifice to benefit the community. Harvest flowers and blossoms for decorating.
Decorations: Red, Yellow, and Gold. The Rich Full Colors of Harvest.
Cleanse: With simple oatmeal soap.
Quarters and Aspects: Those aspects associated with harvest and the abundance of growth.
Hearthkeeping matters: Bury the fear cracker stub off of your property. If you have made offerings to the quarters, pour them out onto bare earth or release them into running water.
Shield Envision a rich golden aura suitable to harvest.
"Protect this child and guard her aim
from any evil, harm, or bane."
Center When ready, step into your ritual space.
Cast Circle Envision the same golden aura that formed your shield at the tip of your hand, wand, or athame as you cast from your projective hand beginning at the southern quarter and moving deosil (clockwise).
"The Harvest King a sacrifice
who bears with him our deepest fear.
Now willingly he pays the price
so all survive another year."
Call Quarters Facing south
"Heat of the warming sun
ripening the grain.
Be with me now,
I harvest Hope.
Welcome Spirit of the flame."
light the red candle.
Call Quarters Facing west
"River, giver of life,
flow gently through the plains.
Be with me now,
I harvest Hope.
Welcome Spirit of the rain."
light the blue candle.
Call Quarters Facing north
"Rich abundant valleys
bring life to every home.
Be with me now,
I harvest Hope.
Welcome Spirit of the stone."
light the green candle.
Call Quarters facing east
"Cloudless skies of summer,
Warm, and bright, and fair.
Be with me now,
I harvest Hope.
Welcome Spirit of the air."
light the yellow candle.
Invoke the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"I honor now the Harvest King,
his sacrifice,
the life he brings.
Be with me now,
I harvest Hope.
Fear is undone.
Welcome the sun."
light the gold candle
Invoke the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"I honor now the Mother Queen,
her seed of life,
and future dreams.
I harvest Hope,
in fullest bloom.
Release my fears.
Welcome the moon."
light the silver candle
Invoke your Guardian tracing a pentagram in the air before you with your hand, wand, or athame
"Spirit within me, empower me as I begin to harvest hope and banish fear.
The turning of the wheel draws near,
and I prepare,
to care
for those I love.
My hands in yours.
Your heart in mine.
Be with me now."
light the incense
Complete the circle with your purpose sit or stand as you please
"The circle is cast and we stand between the worlds,
beyond the bounds of time.
Pain and pleasure,
dark and light,
loss and treasure,
death and life
meet here as one.
Blessed be.
'I come now between the worlds to celebrate the harvest, and to honor the sacrifice of the Harvest King by sacrificing of myself to secure the survival of my community with this turn of he wheel."
Light the Cauldron candle and focus on it as you meditate upon your fear. Listen to the voice of the Harvest King as he asks you to name your deepest fear for your family/community.
"He would ease my pain.
He would have me name
my fear."
Take up the cracker and name it with your fear.
"I am (say your name) and you are my fear.
You are (name your fear)."
Visualize your fear fully, pour it into the cracker, feel it building as you listen to the reassuring voice of the Harvest King asking you to release your fear to him so that he may bear it away from you. Feel the fear leave you as it is drawn into the cracker. Now prepare the cracker to be buried wrapping it in sand and salt.
"This fear passes from me and mine.
It is gone."
Thank the Harvest King for his sacrifice by matching it with one of your own.
"I am (say your name), and like the Harvest King I sacrifice this so that others of my community may benefit."
Take the symbol of your sacrifice and place it before the cauldron candle. Now take up the Honey Bread representing continued survival and hope.
"Behold the grain of life, and the Hope it bears."
While eating this bread, let the sweetness of the honey, like the sweetness of hope, infuse and empower you.
"I am (say your name) and it is my will to (name your desire)."
Let this power build as you envision your hope for your family/community. Release this power naming your future hope.
"Now it is done with no reverse
to Bring upon me any curse."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
Simple Feast from whatever summer bounty is available and freshest. Make liquid offerings to the elements
Thank the Guardian Make the sign of the pentagram with smoke from the incense stick (if it is still burning) or trace it in the air before you with your wand, or hand
"Spirit within my spirit,
my thanks for the blessing of your attendance at my simple and solitary rite.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
Thank the Moon raising your receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Harvest Queen and Mother,
my thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the silver candle
Thank the Sun raising your projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Benevolent Harvest King,
my thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the gold candle
Thank the Quarters taking the appropriate positions as you thank and release them and quench their candles as you bid them farewell.
"Spirit of Air and cloudless sky.
Spirit of Earth and mountain stone.
Spirit of Water and rivers of life.
Spirit of Fire and hearth-warmed home.
My thanks for your attending me.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell, and blessed be."
Release the Circle beginning at the Southern quarter and moving widdershins (counterclockwise) draw the energy into your receptive hand, wand or athame. When you have finished re-calling the energy, compress it into a little version of the golden aura you started with in your receptive hand and absorb it into your body.
"The circle is open,
yet still unbroken.
Merry met, and merry part, and merry meet again."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you.
The Wheel continues to turn and this time brings the Autumnal Equinox or Mabon, the second day of balance in the cycle of the seasons which matches light against darkness. From this point on, the hours of darkness will gain in length and influence heralding the inevitable death which must follow birth and growth. At this time the god and goddess in the aspects of the Autumn Sage and Wisdoms Crone prepare for the sacrifice which ensures continued renewal, birth and growth of the next season. The Autumn Sage sacrifices himself through the final harvest of the land he represents as he offers to carry the community's regrets and sorrows to the underworld with him, and the Crone mourns the loss of her consort, flowers wither, leaves fall, and darkness descends.
Whatever your particular path, you will most likely, be aware of the significance of the balance between daylight and darkness as a warning of greater darkness to come. This then, is a most opportune time to balance those aspects of light and dark in your own life, releasing sorrows and regrets which no longer serve you and need not be carried into the next turn of the wheel.
As it is our goal to provide you with a working resource, you will find a link to a sample ritual for Mabon on the left. We also believe that the only "right way" is the way that works best for you. This sample happens to be for a "solitary" ritual, and can and should be modified in any way that works for you. Take what you like, leave the rest.
(Mabon, Thanksgiving, Winter Finding)
The Wheel continues to turn and this time brings the Autumnal Equinox or Mabon, the second day of balance in the cycle of the seasons which matches light against darkness. From this point on, the hours of darkness will gain in length and influence heralding the inevitable death which must follow birth and growth. At this time the god and goddess in the aspects of the Autumn Sage and Wisdoms Crone prepare for the sacrifice which ensures continued renewal, birth and growth of the next season. The Autumn Sage sacrifices himself through the final harvest of the land he represents, and the Crone mourns the loss of her consort, flowers wither, leaves fall, and darkness descends.
(Autumn Equinox, Winter Finding, Thanksgiving)
A sabbat of balance. Day and night are again equal as nature declines and preparations are made through the final harvest of the season for winters rest.
Wheel Legend: The Harvest King becomes the Sage, the Hermit, the Lord of Shadows and travels the land with his lamp of wisdom to light his journey into Summerland. In his pack he bears all sorrows and woes which he will leave in the Land of Shadows. The Mother turns now into the Crone tending hearthmatters in readiness for the coming winter.
Purpose: To give thanks for the harvest which will sustain life through the coming winter and balance the joys of the year by releasing all regrets and sorrows to the Hermit.
Needful Things: Six bits of "regret" ribbon cut from the ribbons you wrapped around your broom at Beltane (or just six bits of ribbon if you did not decorate the handle of your broom). A candle carved with "Health" "Wealth" "Wisdom" "Happiness". A Thanksgiving offering of your harvest.
Decorations: In rich, dark autumnal colors with colored leaves, acorns, and pinecones.
Cleanse: With mature, earthy herbal scents of rosemary, sage, clove, etc.
Quarters and Aspects: Those aspects associated with ancient, powerful, eternal forces.
Hearthkeeping matters: Bury the "promise" candle stub somewhere on your property. If you have made offerings to the quarters, pour them out onto bare earth or release them into running water.
Shield Envision an autumnal mist moving to form your shield as the mist of seasons end moves across the land.
"Protect this child and guard her aim
from any evil, harm, or bane."
Center When ready, step into your ritual space.
Cast Circle Envision the same autumn mist that formed your shield at the tip of your hand, wand, or athame as you cast from your projective hand beginning at the western quarter and moving deosil (clockwise).
"This is the time of forgetting.
This is the time of letting go.
I burn away
all sorrow and bane
from my harvest, my hearth, my home."
Call Quarters Facing west
"Crystal rivers ageless flow
from wells beyond the time I know.
Be with me now, the harvest over.
Welcome, spirit of the water."
light the blue candle.
Call Quarters Facing north
"Deep the land of ancient earth
and ageless cycle of rebirth.
Be with me now, my harvest home.
Welcome spirit of the stone."
light the green candle.
Call Quarters Facing east
"Still the air of timeless frost.
A gain to partner every loss.
Be with me now, harvest prepared.
Welcome spirit of the air."
light the yellow candle.
Call Quarters facing south
"Ancient blaze of wisdoms light.
Beacon in the timeless night.
Be with me now, my harvest gained.
Welcome spirit of the flame."
light the red candle.
Invoke the Sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Lord of the Shadows.
Gift of the Harvest King.
Keeper of the ancient knowledge.
Power of the light you bring.
Be with me now, my harvest done.
Welcome spirit of the sun."
light the gold candle
Invoke the Moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Crone of ancient mystery,
weaving at a timeless loom.
Mistress of the turning wheel,
the cauldron of rebirth your womb.
Be with me now, my harvest through.
Welcome spirit of the moon."
light the silver candle
Invoke your Guardian tracing a pentagram in the air before you with your hand, wand, or athame
"Spirit within, be with me now as I tally this harvest.
I balance loss with gain.
I balance regret with gratitude.
I balance fear with hope.
I prepare for the change brought with this turn of the wheel."
light the incense
Complete the circle with your purpose sit or stand as you please
"The circle is cast and we stand between the worlds,
beyond the bounds of time
where loss and gain,
death and life,
pleasure and pain,
dark and light
meet here as one.
Blessed be.
I come now between the worlds to release regret, fear, and sorrow. In so doing, I secure my hearth, heart, and home against the darkness which is to come. As I stand here, between the worlds, I give thanks for the bounty and balance brought with this turn of the wheel."
Light the Cauldron candle and focus on it as you meditate upon your fear, sorrow, and loss. Place two ribbon bits upon the altar.
"These bear the regret of my heart and also the regrets of my hearth."
Place the next two ribbon bits upon the altar.
"These bear the fear of my heart and also the fears of my hearth."
Place the final two ribbon bits upon the altar.
"These bear the sorrow of my heart
and also the sorrows of my hearth."
Take all the bits of ribbon up into your projective hand and charge them with all the fear, sorrow, loss, and regret you can recall from the past year.
"I remember and revere the journey of the Autumn Sage and I give thanks for his sacrifice by preserving the harvest which will sustain the future. As he travels now to the shadow land let him bear the burdens of my heart and hearth."
Release/Burn the regret ribbons
"In balance now, regret."
Release/Burn the fear ribbons
"In balance now, fear."
Release/Burn the sorrow ribbons
"In balance now, sorrow."
Take up the promise candle and charge it with all the happiness, health, wealth, and wisdom you hope for the future.
"I remember and revere the wisdom of the Autumn Crone who comforts the sorrow of the past with the promise of the future."
Light the promise candle from the cauldron.
Take up the harvest offering and place it upon the altar.
"I remember the growth and strength of the midsummer King and Queen and revere their transformation to the autumn Sage and Crone as the season of growth has turned with the wheel to the season of harvest.
My thanks now for that which has been given me to harvest. My thanks now for that which will sustain my hearth, heart, and home. My offering now, the fruit of this harvest."
As the promise candle burns out, cast your hopes for the future with the rising smoke.
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
Simple Feast from the best of your harvest this season. Make liquid offerings to the elements.
Thank the Guardian Make the sign of the pentagram with smoke from the incense stick (if it is still burning) or trace it in the air before you with your wand, hand, or athame.
"Spirit within my spirit.
My thanks for the blessing of your attendance at my simple and solitary rite.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
Thank the Moon raising your receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Autumn Crone and Wisewoman.
My thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the silver candle
Thank the Sun raising your projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Autumn Sage and Hermit.
My thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the gold candle
Thank the Quarters taking the appropriate positions as you thank and release them and quench their candles as you bid them farewell.
"Ancient blaze of purity.
Timeless breath of clarity.
Eternal stone's stability.
Endless river of empathy.
My thanks for your attending me.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell, and blessed be."
Release the Circle beginning at the Southern quarter and moving widdershins (counterclockwise) draw the energy into your receptive hand, wand or athame. When you have finished re-calling the energy, compress it into a little version of the golden aura you started with in your receptive hand and absorb it into your body.
"The circle is open
yet still unbroken.
Merry met, and merry part, and merry meet again."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you.
Another turn of the Wheel brings Samhain or Hallowe'en. This is the dark twin of Beltane, the end of Autumn which is the final season of life and the beginning of Winter, the season of death. At this time the veil between this world and the mystery of death is stretched thin. Standing on the threshold between life and death, the goddess, in her aspect of Dark Enchantress, the keeper of the mysteries of birth, life, death, and rebirth looks back at the year that has "died" and forward to the ultimate mystery of renewal which the next turn of the Wheel will bring as it rolls back around to Yule. She prepares to descend into the mystery of this darkness herself still carrying the child that will become the sun child of the next season.
The theme of entry into the mystery of the otherworld is much celebrated at this time of the year and whatever your path or belief, you will find it most natural to incorporate the themes of the mystery of the endless cycle of birth, growth, life, decline, death, and rebirth. Many will use the magic and mystery of this time to divine their needs for the future and determine which preparations will best meet these needs.
As it is our goal to provide you with a working resource, you will find a link to a sample ritual for Samhain on the left. We also believe that the only "right way" is the way that works best for you. This sample happens to be for a "solitary" ritual, and can and should be modified in any way that works for you. Take what you like, leave the rest.
Hallowe'en, All Hallows Eve, Shadowfest, Feast of the Dead
Another turn of the Wheel brings Samhain or Hallowe'en. This is the dark twin of Beltane, the end of Autumn which is the final season of life and the beginning of Winter, the season of death. At this time the veil between this world and the mystery of death is stretched thin. Standing on the threshold between life and death, the goddess, in her aspect of Dark Enchantress, the keeper of the mysteries of birth, life, death, and rebirth looks back at the year that has "died" and forward to the ultimate mystery of renewal which the next turn of the Wheel will bring as it rolls back around to Yule. She prepares to descend into the mystery of this darkness herself still carrying the child that will become the sun child of the next season.
(All Hallows Eve, Shadowfest, Feast of the Dead)
A sabbat of reflection and magical renewal.
Wheel Legend: The Lord of the Shadows parts the veil between the worlds and as he passes through the gates between life and death they are opened to one another. The veil between the worlds is thin. On this night of most magical transformations, all may wear the many guises of all they have been, are, and have yet to be, Child, Father, King, Sage, and hermit.....Maiden, Mother, Queen, Enchantress, and Crone.
Purpose: To renew the magic of Spirit within as the Wheel of Life turns magically renewing all things.
Needful Things: A "Vademecum" or "Comehither" symbol. A charged candle inscribed with "is to be". An empty plate for honoring the dead. A crystal ball or some other tool for scrying.
Decorations: In deepest colors with dim candlelight. Place all your tools on or around your altar.
Cleanse: With richest scents of patchouli, ylang ylang, etc... Anoint the five points of power (Third Eye, Lips, Heart, Belly, and Pubis).
Quarters and Aspects:Those aspects associated with the magical totality of birth, growth, death, and renewal. The most magical images are appropriate.
Hearthkeeping matters: Bury the candle stub and the Vademecum symbol somewhere on your property. If you have made offerings to the quarters, pour them out onto bare earth or release them into running water.
Shield Envision a fourfold shield using the power and stability of stone, the chill clarity of air, the enveloping empathy of water, and the searing purity of fire.
"Protect this child and guard her aim
from any evil, harm, or bane."
Center When ready, step into your ritual space.
Cast Circle Envision the same elemental forces forming the classic castle moat ringed by balefires at the tip of your hand, wand, or athame as you cast from your projective hand beginning at the western quarter and moving deosil (clockwise).
"The veil is thin
and we begin
to see
the mystery
of the wheel
Call Quarters Facing west.
"Waters of birth gushing forth from the womb
tears of the mourners spilled at the tomb
bring in this hour
empathy's power
all that was, is to be
welcome spirit of the sea."
light the blue candle.
Call Quarters Facing north
"Earth of the grave to which we return greening with life at the wheel's next turn
bring in this hour
stability's power
from death, rebirth
welcome spirit of the earth."
light the green candle.
Call Quarters Facing east.
"From every newborn's dawning breath
beyond the last exhale of death
bring in this hour
clarity's power
in the end we begin
welcome spirit of the wind."
light the yellow candle.
Call Quarters facing south.
"Spark of the flame that grows to a fire
ember of ashen funeral pyre
bring in this hour
purity's power
now our loss turns to gain
welcome spirit of the flame."
light the red candle.
Invoke the sun raising projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb)
"Child, Father, Sage, and Shadow King
all you have been, all you will be again
bring in this hour
your magical power
from your loss, life is won
Welcome spirit of the sun."
light the gold candle
Invoke the moon raising receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon)
"Maiden, Mother, Crone, Enchantress
from before this life to beyond the next
bring in this hour
your mystical power
past and future woven on your loom
welcome spirit of the moon."
light the silver candle
Invoke your Guardian tracing a pentagram in the center of the sand censor or in the air before you.
"Spirit within, be with me now as I renew my magical spirit and gain a deeper understanding of the spiral dance that is the wheel of life."
light the incense
Complete the circle with your purpose sit or stand as you please,
"The circle is cast and we stand between the worlds
beyond the bounds of time
where pain and pleasure,
dark and light,
loss and treasure,
death and life
meet here as one.
Blessed be."
Light the cauldron candle,
"I come now between the worlds to renew my spirit in the magic of the wheel of life and by so doing remember, experience, and reveal the fullness of life as it has been, is now, will be, and shall be again."
Uncover the crystal ball and begin your meditation. Envision flight that takes you beyond your home, into the night sky, past the edge of earths atmosphere where the veil shimmers like the northern lights. Part this veil with your projective hand, wand, or athame making the sign of the pentagram. As the veil falls away, look deeply into your crystal to see what shall be revealed.
"My thanks for this blessing."
Place the vademecum or the Comehither upon the altar.
"This, my desire."
light the charged candle with "is to be" inscribed on it.
"This my charge."
Allow enough wax to drip from the candle on to the vademecum picture to hold the candle affixed to the vademecum while it burns and envision as richly as possible, in completest detail, this desire until the candle burns out.
"So mote it be."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you).
Simple feast place 8 or more apple slices with sigil in their center on the altar and offer one each to the four elements, the sun, the moon, the dead, and your own spirit.
"From the fruit of life I taste death."
sip from the cup of juice and make liquid offerings to the elements, the sun, the moon, the dead, and your spirit.
"From the cup of death I taste life."
Meditate again on the shimmering veil between the worlds, pass through it and allow it to close as you return back through the atmosphere to the welcoming darkness of this night and safely return to your own body.
(for a good long time)
(make certain you have fully returned)
(touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you)
Thank the Guardian Make the sign of the pentagram with smoke from the incense stick (if it is still burning) or trace it in the air before you with your wand, or hand.
"Spirit within my spirit, my thanks for the blessing of your attendance at my simple and solitary rite.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
Thank the moon raising your receptive hand in the symbol of the moon (hold your whole hand in a "c" shape like the crescent moon).
"Enchantress, Maiden, Mother, Crone,
My thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the silver candle
Thank the Sun raising your projective hand in the symbol of the sun (first finger and Little finger extended, like horns, other fingers folded beneath thumb).
"Shadow King, Child, Father, Sage,
My thanks for the blessing of your attendance.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell."
quench the gold candle
Thank the quarters taking the appropriate positions as you thank and release them and quench their candles as you bid them farewell.
"From spark of growth to funeral pyre,
from first drawn breath to final gasp,
from fertile earth to graveyard dust,
from Water of the womb and tomb,
My thanks for your attending me.
Stay or go as you shall please.
Hail and farewell, and blessed be."
Release the Circle beginning at the Southern quarter and moving widdershins (counterclockwise) draw the energy into your receptive hand, wand or athame. When you have finished re-calling the energy, compress it into a little version of the golden aura you started with in your receptive hand and absorb it into your body.
"The circle is open
yet still unbroken.
Merry met, and merry part, and merry meet again."
Ground (touch something from the earth with your projective hand, or just feel the excess energy drain from your body back through your feet to replenish the earth below you.
The Creative Funk, It's real!
6 years ago